Would you find makeover games interesting?
The makeover is basically about makeup. Only you can redo it numerous times. The genre is simple and is created to see the different styles of makeup, dress up, and have a possibility to swiftly change them. You can also groom a character: for instance, shave a Minion, take Pou out of a bath, color up the hair, and do lots of other interesting things to change the appearance of a hero.
The regularities about online games about the makeover
You will likely meet the celebrities giving their faces for the online free games of this genre: Bella Swan from Twilight, Maleficent (so really close to Angelina Jolie in ‘BFFS Love Cosplay’ and ‘Maleficia’), Selena Gomez (‘Singer Selena Selfie Makeover’, ‘Selena Gomez Oscar Dressup’, ‘Selena Gomez Manicure’), J LO (in ‘Jennifer Lopez Makeover’), Rihanna (‘Rihanna Makeup Game’), Kylie Jenner (‘Kylie Jenner Makeup Studio’), Amanda Seyfried (in ‘Amanda True Makeup’), Lady Gaga (‘Lady Gaga Celebrity Makeover’), Ariana Grande, Halen Ashley Tisdale, Helen Bling, Carly Rae Jepsen, and others.
But mostly, they do not include loud names. In this case, you are just offered with cute faces of girls for play. They can be close to the real-life look or far from it (‘Stella Season 6 Outfits’ features a girl with hugest eyes, so alien-like big). Can be styled differently:
- anime
- emo
- Frozen-themed
- Disney-themed
- simply-drawn or sophisticatedly-drawn
- humans-centered and non-humans-centered (Minions, animals, and so on).