What are Crime games?
Crime is the aggregation of the mafia, gangsters, mobsters, robbers, and prison-escapers (as well as all other escapers from the armed people or secured area). Anything that is even potentially or partially connected to crime can be attributed to this genre.
The player can try different masks playing such online free games:
- a police officer
- murderer
- thug
- runaway
- driver escaping from the police
- hacker
- reporter
- sniper
- super agent
- witness and so on.
As you can see, all these types of people revolve in the world of crime and protagonists can be from both camps.
The graphics issue is not a cornerstone here (as well as in many other subgenres) but still, it can vary from very primitive (when, for instance, you play some Stickman) to pretty sophisticated (playing the puzzle games to find items in the well-drawn ambiance, as an example).
Features of free online Crime games
- as they are crime-connected, there are high chances that a player will be forced to think over his actions to reach the level’s end as many of these games are logical
- however, if there is no brain involved, a player has to be fast and move fingers well, as the huge part of non-logical crime games are shooters
- in addition to a possibility to feel oneself a superhero (like it is the case with ‘Shooting Batman’), the very big part of them is not. Just ordinary people in ordinary criminal circumstances.